
This flaw is shared by a lot of people, so I guess it comes with the territory. In any case, I am very inefficient as a software developer.

My projects develop really slowly and afterwards and I stop maintaining them almost immediately.

I spend hours and hours on the computer not getting stuff done. Idealistically, I should be slower on the implementation side, and faster on the planning side.

I do not plan, I only implement. Which is horrendously bad for software developers.

spread too thin

I am constantly learning stuff about programming, not out of efficiency, no, out of wanting to kill time. I waste my time reading articles, and developing a mental image of what programming should be and how to get there.

This is evident from the languages I am learning: I started with HTML, then to batch scripting, then to PHP, then to Golang, then to Common Lisp.

Keep in mind, I want to achieve mastery level in Golang, and in Common Lisp. I know what these languages have to offer, but maybe I should learn the easier more widespread languages such as python, or c, or rust, or another language.

I am not learning these languages out of pure practicality, no, but out of interest. They’re cool to me, but coolness shouldn’t drive my education. My education should be determined by what I need, and what’s useful.

In programming sessions, I rarely am in the zone. I mostly listen to music, while verbalizing my thoughts out loud.


I refuse to learn languages like python, rust, javascript(with npm, I do fine with pure javascript), or java.

But I don’t want to be extreme either. I am struggling to find a common ground. I feel as though that’ll hinder my job applications…

Even if it wasn’t for job applications, I should know what tools developers are using. It feels sometimes as if I say ‘NO!!!!’ without evaluating what has been suggested to me.

market’s need

I seriously do not know what people want. Whenever I develop a piece of software, I realize that it is not applicable to the audience that I developed it for.

I want to be more accepting of people’s needs and develop software for their specific use cases, not for my archaic uses. I shouldn’t argue against common people’s needs, no, I should listen and maybe suggest an alternative.

an ideal software developer

I like Rob Pike. To me, he is the ideal software developer. He seems to achieve a balance of being in reach, while also sticking to what he likes.

He is efficient, smart, and simple. I’d like to reach that point as a software developer.