I’ve never understood the phrase/motivational quote: “Never dream small, always dream big and aim for the moon”

Why would I ever dream big? Suppose my current conditions are very bad, lack of money, maybe family fights, mix it with a project failing and you have a pretty pissed person.

Dreaming big at that state of mind would do harm, it would make that person overthink that situation, feel ignored by the world, generally unsatisified with current conditions.

At best, it would lead to feeling unsatisifed and wanting more, perhaps issuing or starting change. But when the change feels hopeless, you slid back into that depressive state again.

At worst, it leads you into a depressive state, that could result in god forbid commiting suicide.

With Big Dreams I feel you don’t focus more on the action, you focus on the result. You don’t enjoy the process, and that’s what makes big dreams bad for you.

In-contrast dreaming small makes sure that your current feelings are at bay, sure you feel them but you aren’t distracted by them, they don’t eat you up.

It does this by having a small actionable goal as a starting point, and slowly the dream increases in size and after a while you reach a result that is so satisfactory it feels surreal.

And it’s generally easier than dreaming big, think of all the skills you picked up accidentally. Dreaming small is very habitual and passive, why dreaming big is very intentional and active.